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Versatile Health and Wellness

Health and wellness is a vital aspect of life that should be accessible to all people. Health Place, located on the campus of Kennestone Hospital, offers medically-based solutions for those wanting to live healthier lives. Whatever you want to gain from your experience, we have the capabilities necessary to achieve your goals. We’re here to help you embrace a life of good health and fitness.

List of Amenities at Health Place

We offer a wide range of amenities at our Health Place facility. Look and see what is suitable for your next activity or exercise goal. You’ll be pleased by any of our amenities, including:

  • A 25-yard, multi-lane swimming pool
  • Racquetball court
  • Pickleball court
  • Indoor and outdoor field tracks
  • A nursery for children aged six weeks-12 years
  • A shop for healthy drinks and snacks
  • An exercise floor featuring cutting-edge cardio equipment
  • Locker rooms
Water Aerobics, Aqua Fit

Caring and Helpful Wellness Services

We pledge to assist you in your wellness goals and provide you with the resources necessary to achieve them. We believe in the power of wellness and your ability to overcome any health barrier you face. We’ll instill confidence, determination, and fulfillment in your overall well-being. You will meet professionals and advocates for your health and wellness who stick with you every step of the way.

We’re Here to Help You Live Healthier