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Relieving Massage Therapy in Marietta, GA

Massage therapy is an essential addition to a healthy lifestyle, great for relieving pain, reducing stress, and achieving a higher level of wellness. Our team of health experts provides a variety of massage types, sure to reach any muscle and pain point in your body no matter how deep it’s hiding. Massage is an excellent companion for your Strength Training, nutrition, mental health, and other wellness practices, whether healing from an old injury or winding down from a long workout. Embrace the full spectrum of a healthy life and broadening your horizons by giving in to the fantastic sensations of a quality massage. To schedule a massage, please call 770-793-7300.

Healing Massage Services to Fit Your Needs

We strive to exceed our members’ expectations with massages and wellness practices that improve their health. By scheduling a session with our top professionals, you can expect to receive a range of offerings for the ultimate massage experience, including:

  • Massage Styles and Techniques: We offer a diverse range of massages derived from many different disciplines. You’re destined to find a particular style suitable for you.
  • Experienced and Licensed Massage Therapists: Our team of certified massage therapists has the background and education necessary to deliver a top-quality massage session.
  • Individual-focused Massage Therapy and Care: We’re devoted to adhering to your needs and following through on our promise of excellence. Customize your experience for your specific tastes.

Information Regarding Massage Services

We offer the following information regarding our massage services:

Menu and Pricing

We offer many different types of massages including Swedish, Neuromuscular, Deep Tissue, Prenatal, and more to fit your particular needs. Our massage therapy services come in a variety of different price points to improve your overall wellbeing and health.


You can rest assured knowing all of our massage therapists are licensed and conduct themselves professionally.

Massage Descriptions

Read about our massages to find the perfect fit for you.

Ancillary Services Policies and Procedures

Please fill out this form and bring it with you to your first massage.

Health History Questionnaire 

Please fill out this form and bring it with you to your first massage.

Massage Practices Designed to Your Liking

If you want to experience a top-quality massage that satisfies your health goals and overall well-being, we are the solution for your needs. We serve with the clear understanding that no two members are alike. Our individual-focused approach allows us to cater directly to your specific needs. We will guide you through the process of selecting your service and seeing it through to completion. Our friendly team of wellness professionals is passionate about every member. We seek to help you heal, improve, and thrive with a healthy lifestyle.

We’re Here to Help You Live Healthier