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Experienced Personal Trainers

Wellstar Fitness offers quality health and wellness services in the greater Atlanta area. Personal trainers are more than fitness experts; they serve as advocates for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our team of trusted trainers will champion and lift you throughout your fitness journey. They are passionate about providing our members with the skills and confidence needed to continue practicing fitness and wellness for the rest of their lives. They are here to guide you through every step and lift you towards your goals. We have a trusted, licensed trainer that is right for you.

senior woman with trainer

Three Ways Our Trainers Can Help You

Our trainers will help you succeed in the following areas:

  • Fitness: Regardless of your age or experience level, our trainers have the skills to enhance your fitness level and customize your exercise to fit your needs.
  • Focus: We will help you set the intention for your workout, enabling you to move with purpose and meaning. This will help you stay the course.
  • Motivation: Whatever fears, anxieties, or obstacles get in the way of your workout, our trainers will empower you to overcome them and maintain a consistent routine.

Comprehensive Personal Training Packages

We strive to deliver wellness programs and services that boost our members’ health, happiness, and overall well-being. Our training packages offer flexibility and various options to fit your needs. We offer one-hour and thirty-minute sessions for individuals and couples. This allows you to engage one-on-one with your trainer or share your practice with like-minded peers. Our personalized workout programs are designed to accommodate your plan. They will help you stay on track to meet your fitness goals.

A Well-Balanced Personal Fitness Experience

We’ll ensure that our training provides a range of benefits for your life. Our team inspires passion, focus, and motivation in members’ wellness routines. We’ll help you forever improve your lifestyle with exclusive special packages customized to your needs and goals. Whether you want to train alone or in a group, we’ll strive to enhance your abilities and set the tone for a quality workout.

Kyle Brown Portrait

Kyle Brown

Exercise Physiologist

“I believe exercise has a positive effect on your physical, emotional, psychological and social well-being. It can give you more energy and can help you feel better throughout the day.”
Indiana University
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
American Council on Exercise (ACE)
Certified Personal Trainer &
Sports Conditioning Specialist
Triathlon training, cross country training,
plyometrics, cardiorespiratory endurance,
Parkinson’s disease

Jasmin Theard

Exercise Physiologist

"Movement applied with intention and creativity invigorates. It is expressed many ways. Find your expression and get moving."

Georgia State University
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science

American College of Sports Medicine ACSM-EP

strength training, fitness

Patti Hungate portrait

Patti Hungate

Personal Trainer

“I enjoy training a variety of clients of all ages and fitness levels. I believe if you get moving and make exercise a part of your everyday routine, you can achieve your fitness goals.”
Kennesaw State University
Bachelor of Science in Health and Sports Science
California University of Pennsylvania
Master of Exercise Science and Health Promotion, Rehabilitation Sciences Concentration
National Academy Sports Medicine (NASM)
Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)
Spinal Rehabilitation Certification Program
University of Florida, Center for Exercise Science
Certified TRX Group Suspension Trainer
Parkinson’s Disease, Muscular Dystrophy

Gracie Mitchell

Exercise Physiologist

"Exercise changes not only your body, it changes your mind, attitude and mood."

Georgia State University
Bachelors of Exercise Science

American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Certified Exercise Physiologist (ASCM-CEP)

Neuro, Cardiac, Orthopedic and trauma rehabilitation, Pre- and Postnatal yoga and strength training, general strength training, Fall prevention, and exercise for older adults.

Rachel Wilczynski

Exercise Physiologist

“My mission is to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. Together, we can accomplish your goals inside the gym so you can excel outside the gym.”

Kennesaw State University
Bachelor of Science, Exercise Science
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP)
Strength Training, General Fitness, pre & postnatal exercise, and exercise with older adults

Jordan Gibson

Exercise Physiologist

“I think exercise is a great way to improve your quality of life. Whether that’s improving brain functionality, reducing risk of disease, managing weight or building bones and muscle I’m here to help you reach your goal.."

Kennesaw State University
Bachelor of Exercise Science

American College of Sports Medicine
Certified Exercise Physiologist

General fitness, strength training, bariatrics, and plyometrics

Amber Devey

Personal Trainer

“I am a firm believer in feeling good on the inside as well as the outside. My goal is for people to build confidence and ambition to attain their fitness goals. I believe anything you set your mind to; you will be able to achieve.”

Georgia State University
Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Associate of Science in Kinesiology and Health

National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)
Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT)
Performance Enhancement Specialist (NASM-PES)
Integrated Balance Training (NASM)
Neuromuscular Stretching (NASM)

Weight Loss, Cross Training, Strength Training, Running, Water Aerobics, and Sports Performance.

Marquis Brown

Personal Trainer

International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA)
Certified Strength & Conditioning Trainer
Certified Sports Performance Trainer

Muscular Development, Calculating Body Composition, Functional Strength Development

We’re Here to Help You Live Healthier